Friday, August 22, 2008

Family Foto Fiasco

Hurray! The whole family was going to be here for one week in August, so I thought we needed a family picture. Every one of the girls said let's not do it because they were too fat. I told them that we're all fat, but we're doing it anyway. I made the arrangements for the place, photographer, and made sure that everyone would be here on the arranged night. It was a beautiful night, no wind, not too hot, and no mesquitoes.

The cutest grandkids in the world.

Ashley and Jayden arrived first and instead of walking down the steps he chose to roll down the hill in his cute picture clothes. Then Adri's family came and Lizzie pranced around holding out her dress like a princess. Finally after football practice, Kim's family arrived and Klayson chose to roll down the hill in his good clothes. I guess that is just the thing six year olds do.

The two that I wasn't worried about at all were the two that were not happy at all. Andrew is always the best baby, but I guess he was just tired because he was fussy and unhappy. He cried so hard it upset Lizzie and she started to cry. Miss OK is always so cute and loves for me to hold her, but she didn't get a nap that day so she was ONERY! All she wanted to do was jump on the trampoline.

Even though it was a fiasco, the pictures turned out great. If it were too easy, it wouldn't be a "family" picture, right?

1 comment:

Sadie said...

That is the cutest picture ever. Now you need to post one with the "fat" girls.